
Is it possible to ovulate at day 10 of a 45 day cycle?

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I had my period the first day being 10 days ago, yesterday i felt ovulation pains is this possible? i would have thought i'd ovulate between 25-30 days.




  1. If you have that long of cycles, your body is probably preparing to O around day 10, but not doing so. Your body will keep "trying" to O until it finally does or your uterine linning is so thick that it cannot support itself any longer and it will begin to shed (anovulatory cycle)

  2. It is very unlikely.  Women who have very long cycles usually ovulate very late.  After a woman ovulates, she is in what is called the "luteal" phase of her cycle.  These range from about 10-18 days and are usually not much longer than that.  A common luteal phase length is about 14 days, so if your cycle is 45 days long, you most likely ovulate around day 31 or so.  After you for sure ovulate, your luteal phase will not usually change; it is your ovulation day that can change.  It may have very well felt like you were ovulating, but then your body did not ovulate.  This happened to me last month( I chart my basal body temperatures).  All my signs suggested that I was about to ovulate ( got the eggwhite cervical mucus stuff, ovulation pain, ) and then my temperature chart did not detect actual ovulation.  I then went on to ovulate on day 19 instead of day 13.  Since my luteal phase is 14 days, I know I will start my period on around day 33 or 34 of my cycle.  

  3. It is unusual to ovulate that early in a 45 day cycle.  It could be that you are going to have a shorter cycle this month.  I usually feel O pain a couple of days before I actually do.  If you are TTC, I would definitely check to see if you have fertile fluid and do the baby dance if you do.  You might need to concentrate a couple of weeks, just to make sure you have your bases covered.  Good luck to you!

  4. No it's not. If your cycle are irregular, you could ovulate today but your period would hen come 14 days later. You always ovulate around 14 days before your next period. Always. (OK it can be between 12 and 16 days; any longer or shorter is not entirely viable for pregnancy). So you're right, it will be around CD31 and your fertile window will starts around CD26 until CD33.

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