
Is it possible to ovulate twice in a cycle?

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I have a 33-39 day cycle and am slap bang in the middle of my 2WW but today I have noticed (and I apologise for the tmi) that I am really wet almost like I'm about to come on but no AF. It's not egg white like like normal ovulation mucus but there does seem to be alot of it. I know that something is going on cos I have v sore b***s and a dragging feeling down below but I know these can just be period symptoms. Is it possible to ovulate twice? Or does anyone else have any ideas?




  1. You can not ovulate twice in one cycle.  It's possible for you to almost ovulate many times (i.e. you CAN get multiple days of EWCM and other indicators of pending ovulation).

    But once you've finally ovulated, the corpus luteium (basically the hole left behind by the ovum) secreets hormones that shut the ovaries down so that more eggs to not ovulate (however, this process does take a few hours, so it's possible for multiple eggs to be released at the time of ovulation... what leads to fraternal twins).  From there, you basically have to progress though the rest of the luteal phase (which can be as short as 10 days, and about 17 days at most).

  2. I had almost the same question a week or so ago. I was told that you cannot ovulate twice in one cycle, except for releasing 2 eggs at once, not at two different times. Because I swear I did! Like 3 days after my period stopped, I had what seemed to me were ovulation pains and a loooot of creamy, lotion like white/clear discharge for probably 3 days, then it stopped and happened again when I should have ovulated, which was this past weekend. So they say you can't, but it sure seemed like it to me.

  3. The typical stretchy and fertile cervical mucus (spinnbarkeit) develops under the influence of estrogen hormones. Estrogen rises normally twice during the menstrual cycle: Just before ovulation and again about 7-10 days later. It is this second rise which is abundant but not necessarily EWCM that can give the appearance of fertile mucus again, though it has nothing to do with ovulation or fertility. You could be pregnant, but making the diagnosis of pregnancy just from changes in the cervical mucus is too unreliable.

  4. You could be pregnant! do a test.

    When i was first pregnant, I had bad breakout on my face and lots of lotion like discharge...and then I tested positive.

    good luck!

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