
Is it possible to ovulate two weeks after a miscarriage? If yes, what are my chances of getting pregnant?

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I had a miscarriage July 29 at four weeks along. I did not have to have a D & C, and my bleeding only lasted about four days. I used an ovulation kit that said I ovulated approximately two weeks after the miscarriage. Could I actually get pregnant? How long should I wait to take a pregnancy test? Is nine days before your missed period too soon for a test to be accurate. I'm sorry to ramble; I'm just anxious. Thank you everyone for any help, and good luck to everyone trying.




  1. Your very fertile after a miscarriage. But its not safe for your body to be pregnant so close to having a miscarriage. You need to let your body heal before putting it back through all the stress your body goes through when your pregnant. I have had 2 miscarriages and both times my doctors told me to wait 3 months before even thinking about trying to get pregnant again.  Good luck in the future.

  2. yes you could ovulate 2 weeks after a mc, as your more fertile after a mc and giveing birth and i would wait another week or so before you test  

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