
Is it possible to paint/spray over chrome?

by  |  earlier

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Ive just bought a new BMX and i want to spray it yellow, but the frames made from chrome.

My Dad says chrome isnt spray able as the paint will just flake off.

Is it possible?




  1. its not really possible to paint over chrome,cos you have to remove the chrome 1st. ive seen so many kids round here trying to do it! the whole bike just ends up looking a flaky the cheaper alternative would be find a new frame.

    btw,the frame is not made from chrome,it's plated with it.

    or failing that rub it with a brick,lol.^^^

  2. hello.  i had a redline 440 rl chrome that i tore apart down to the chrome frame.  then i used 100 grit sand paper on just the bare chrome frame.  then i went to 250 grit.  next i used a 660 grit wet sand.  then i went with a 800+ grit.  that got the chrome roughed up enough, but smooth enough.  Then i used 91% rubbing alkohol to removes any dust/dirt/grease after i hung it from the ceiling.  then i put on surgical rubber gloves and used Krylon camo flat olive spray paint.  I let that dry without touching it for about 2 weeks.  after the 2 weeks i un-hung it, wiped it down with a damp washcloth (just water), and then re-installed the bearing cups (head and bottom) and assembeled the bike.  make sure to use a 3-5, light coats of spray paint.  if you put it on too thich it will peel.  4-5 light coats, almost misting, and it will still scratch, but so does the factory paint.  good luck and take your time.  


  3. over the chrome first remove it's first layer by rubbing it with a piece of brick or blade

    then spray paint over it

    after paint wax it

    it will work

  4. Your dad is correct. Chrome is way too hard to try and prepare for a painted finish- even sanding it will not provide the needed surface. Any real attempt at removing chrome can be extremely toxic (that means it can kill you).

    If you REALLY want to paint it, take the frame to a shop that does chroming and ask them to remove the chrome. It'll cost a bit for them to hang it in their tank, but then you'll have a frame that can be sandblasted, primered, and painted.

  5. I'm puzzled why you would want to paint a new bike. It's almost impossible for a home paint job to be as good as a factory one. Most of the time it's better to touch up the original paint.

    Frames are not made from chrome although many good frames are made from chrome molybdenum steel. It's not the same thing. Chrome is a surface treatment.

    However, if your frame has a shiny surface, be it paint or chrome, you will need to dull, smooth, and clean that surface to get the best paint job. Sand paper works fine for this. Start with a very coarse grade and work your way down to a fine grade. You want a dull perfectly smooth finish. Then wash and rinse the frame to get any residual oil and dirt off. Let dry and your ready to start painting.

    Follow the paint manufacture's instructions carefully and you stand a chance to get a reasonably decent paint job. But it is very difficult to get a perfect finish on a home paint job.

    Good luck.

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