
Is it possible to paralize a man by punching him above the armpit?

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I think it's a Ninjitsu technique. You punch a man above the armpit, and paralysis takes over. Is this true...? If so, then what is the extent of this paralysis? How long does it last? Are there any after-affects? Can it be lethal in any way?

Also, are there any other points on the body where you could attack someone to cause temporary paralysis?




  1. I seriously doubt it. What I do know is that it is a dangerous place to hit someone. It is not a place you should hit at all.

  2. NO

  3. base on what i had learnt before.the bracial plexus(the nerves)-mostly its branches are located at the armpit.paralysis might happens if the injury is bad enought.

  4. ABOVE the armpit?

  5. there are nerves in the armpit that dose that. so you have to strike in the  armpit and train long enough to know where the nerves are

  6. There is a nerve bundle in that vicinity that would hurt like heck if hit correctly and with enough force.  My instructor teaches it during adult self-defense.  I've demonstrated it to students by just pressing my finger into it a little and some of them actually drop to a knee.

    For the purposes of sanity, I won't say exactly where this is, but most martial artists probably know what I'm talking about.

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