
Is it possible to pass clairvoyance to my son?

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I'm a natural clairvoyant but i have mine through dream sequences and i have also been able to see people,since I was pregnant I stopped having them. now my son sees things and has conversations with people but I'm wondering if he now has clairvoyance as well. If so how can I help him through this? He's only 20months old.




  1. Clairvoyance is a gift. It is not genetically passed on. Since you are familiar with this gift, albeit expressed perhaps differently to your son, you should look at the possibility that since it is God-given your son does not need you to actively help him with it. At 20 months he is too young to understand anything you might say to him so leave it until he is a little older and if he does manifest this gift you can discuss it with him then. Best wishes. UK

  2. He could have inherited it from you or something.

  3. Maybe you should take him to a doctor to make sure that he's not just suffering from some sort of legitimate medical condition.  

  4. There is no such thing a clairvoyance, so you can't pass it on to anyone.  If you have a good imagination and good recollection of your dreams, you are fortunate and maybe you can teach your son to have those qualities too.

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