
Is it possible to pick up on public transport...?

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Is it possible to talk to random women on a train or bus without like freaking them out or anything, if so how would I do that, because I could totally pick up if I knew a way of doing that.




  1. Be confident, and just prey you've got something they like, or they'll scream and you'll be beaten to a pulp by the 2 massive guys, who you could have sworn weren't there before

  2. you are risking a knee in the balls

  3. I have had the experience of men trying to do this. So as a person on the recieving end of this, I will tell you how it made me feel.

    On some occasions when this has happened, I have actually felt scared, to the point that I wondered if I should even be hopping off the train as they may work out where I live. It has always seemed kind of creepy to me, here I am minding my own business and suddenly someone is interested in my personal life, very strange. I have no problem with striking up a conversation with someone at times, but not when it is blatantly obvious that they are trying to pick up. It's really just not the place for that. I also have a boyfriend, which of course, people can't know without you revealing it or them asking. So I always just find myself telling them about my boyfriend whn they ask about my life, that way it makes it clear where my life is headed and that Im not interested. I don't know, maybe some girls would go for that, but I just have always found it creepy from my personal experiences.  

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