
Is it possible to pierce a rabbits ear?

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yes i do have a rabbit. & her name is molly everyone can calm down it was jst a freakin question...thought it would look cute thats all.




  1. animal cruelty!

  2. its possible...

    but why would you like to do that?

    don't do that :[

  3. thats creul

  4. Their ears are delicate and have tons of blood vessels running through them, they are an integral part of their cooling system, too.  Don't pierce your rabbit's ear, it's possible, but if you hit a nerve, blood vessel, or the rabbit snagged it on something, you could end up with a rabbit in a lot of pain.  

  5. it's possible but that would be cruel...i would suggest NOT to do that

  6. its possible, i dont know how much your rabbit will like that

  7. I think it is obvious that it is possible, but it is completely unnecessary.

  8. Why on earth would you want to do that?

    If you are seriously considering this, you should stick to stuffed toys and leave real animals alone!

  9. WHY!?!? thats horrible, if you look closely at a rabbits ear, you'll see that they have lots of blood vessels, and you'd must likely pierce though it and it would bleed.

    its cruel, unnesecary, and idiotic.

    i hope you don't have rabbit.

  10. It is "possible" but i would never ever do that. I can say your rabbit would probably not enjoy it, and also, many rabbit cages contain wire for ventilation/easy cleanup/etc., and the chance of it getting stuck and ripping your rabbit's ear(s) are possible. even if you don't have wire, I still would never do it. If you were to try and show a rabbit like that in 4h it would be an imidiate disqaulification.

    you're rabbit could also get infection, being in there living conditions they even walk in there own pee/poo..

    ***and as oregano13, rabbits ears help them cool off, and if you've ever looked at maybe a new zeland, you can see a network of blood vessels more clearly in that breed of rabbit, and as an owner of an English lop, the biggest eared rabbit, I can only imagin the pain if somehow his ears were ripped where is blood vessels are.

  11. Well, yes it is, but rabbits have a lot of veins in their ears and it would be unneccessary.  And I don't know who would pierce a rabbit's ear, and it would be too dangerous to try to do it yourself.  So.... just don't.

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