
Is it possible to plant ginseng in a semiarid environment under irrgation?

by Guest33723  |  earlier

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Is it possible to plant ginseng in a semiarid environment under irrgation?




  1. Absolutely!

  2. Of course it is.

    There are many cases of plantations of ginseng, aloe vera, jojoba, etc, in even desertic areas with irrigation.

    Usually is drop-by-drop fertirrigation.

  3. You can grow anything anywhere. Once you know what a plant's needs are, you just have to duplicate them. You have different fertilizers, you can shade if too hot, or greenhouse/ row cover if too cold, water if too dry, and soil amendments if the soil isn't right. Desert sand will produce a crop even if it is treated as a hydroponic crop. You just need to make it cost effective. Look at what you need, add it up, then look at how much you can produce. Figure in a number of high and low profit margins and see if the market will accept that. If you can't make a good enough profit, and you can't adjust your input to make it work, then try another plant, more suited.

  4. If you can grow potatos you can grow ginseng.  Same basics.  But ginseng needs partial sunlight to grow well.

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