
Is it possible to play other people using my Nintendo Wii?

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I have only had my Wii for about two weeks now. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but is it possible for me to play games with other people using my Nintendo Wii? If it is possible can someone explain to me how I would do this? I figured out how to get an internet connection (I even checked my Myspace lol), but I would like to know if I can play any multiplayer games. Also, if it cost to do this can someone tell me how much it cost.

I am very new to this whole Wii thing. The last video game system I owned was a Nintendo 64 so it's been awhile.




  1. I saw you just answered my question and i had a nintendo 64 too!

    And yea you can play other people when you exchange wii codes.

    You can find your wii code under the message board of your wii.

    But its only with certain games.

    If you want to exchange codes mine is

    7313 7147 3572 6266

    And o yea you have to connect your wii to the internet

    I dont remember exactly how i did it but i just went to youtube and typed  in "connect wii to the internet" and i watched a video on how to do it.

    Hope this helps


    1.go to the wii main menu

    2.on the botom right you'll see an envelope, click it

    3.on the bottom left you'll see 2 icon one is a calander the other is a pencil on paper click that one.

    4. then on the right you will see adress book click that and your code should come up.

    you can email me if you have any more questions or if that does not work

  2. Only if the game is Wi Fi Compatible like Mario Kart Wii or Brawl

  3. You have to see if any of your games use the nintendo wifi connection. Theres a small logo on the box it came in that says if you can play mutliplayer online. If you can, then theres an option in the game to play against someone online. Only some games can play online and its free for all of them.

  4. Yes, you can. Certain games allow you to play online against anyone. Here's a short list of the best WiFi games.

    Smash Bros Brawl - Not that great in random online play, but when you can organize a match with friends online, it is GOLDEN.

    Medal Of Honor : Heroes 2 - 32 player deathmatches. Enough said.

    Mario Kart Wii - Easily the best online game, with 12 player races & absolutely no lag.

    Dr. Mario Online - Downloaded off WiiWare for $10, this addictive puzzler offers great head-to-head competition, plus you can even send a multiplayer demo to a friend.

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