
Is it possible to power a narrowboat with an electric motor?

by Guest64905  |  earlier

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from batteries charged by onboard solar panels and wind turbine(s)?




  1. hey if its possible for a idiot to be president of the united states its possible to power a narrow boat thru a narrow canal  using batterys

  2. Theoretically yes, however you probably wouldn`t have the acceleration you get with a standard diesel engine...

  3. Not charged by the method you describe. There would not be enough trickle charge to provide the charge in any meaningful time period.

    but battery narrow boats do exist, its nothing new. There are a few on the Basingstoke and Montomery canals

    You need a land line to charge up. most have a diesel generator as well

    Power is not a problem, the battery boats easily match the diesel powered boats for torque and control.

    its charging up every 2 days that will stop any chance of cruising around the system.

    You get significant licence reductions for a battery boat.

  4. Yes, it is possible.

    If you use a Reostat as Accelerator, you should be able to accelerate and slow down exactly in the same way as any fuel driven engine does.

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