
Is it possible to predict how long my break through bleeding will last?

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My situation: My last active pill was on saturday at 9pm. I heard that you could skip your period but didn't try it until monday (i hadn't started my period yet). So I went into the new pack at 4pm on monday and have been taking it at the same time each day.

I wiped on thursday at 1am and noticed some brownish blood. It was light yesterday (thursday) but now it seems to have increased in amount.

It never stains my panties because it doesn't get that far but it's VERY annoying (I know I shouldn't have messed with mother nature *curses*)

So out of curiosity, I'm wondering if it's possible to predict how long mine will last (I've been on BCP since march & never got spotting in the beginning)

So with this information, what is the possible time it can last?

I've asked before but never really got a clear answer I could go with.

Also, if I say, take two BCPs tomorrow is it possible it will cease (I've heard from a few people)




  1. What you did, I have also done myself in the past. There is nothing wrong with what you did. You heard right, you can skip your period completely if you start a new pack the day after your last hormone pill. Since you took it a few days later you are getting some break-through bleeding which is normal and the price you pay or risk you take for trying to skip your period.

  2. Hmmm. Sounds like, you should have started your next pack on Sunday. The bleeding did start very fast though, mine usually takes 3 days after I stop taking the pill!

    It should only last a few days. Give it til Monday, maybe.

    I wouldn't take 2 in a day. God knows what'll happen, but I doubt it'd make the bleeding stop, since it's already started.

    Also, why the time difference? You should take your pill at the same time every day! Even if you don't take it for contraceptive purposes. (Because some people don't!)

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