
Is it possible to produce lsd in an easy way in a laboratory?

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  1. This depends upon what you call easy.

    Lysergic acid diethylamide is called a semisynthetic drug because one must have a source of Lysergic acid.  This is commonly obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of Lysergamides like ergotamine which must be extracted from plant materials.

    LSD is usually made by reacting Diethylamine with an activated form of Lysergic acid.  The activating reagents include chemicals like Phosphoryl chloride and peptide coupling reagents.  These compounds are highly toxic and require the use of a draft wall or fume hood.

    In addition, because some of the intermediaries are light sensitive, the reactions need to be carried out under controlled lighting or in the dark.

    The final reaction mixture needs to be treated to remove all of the toxic side products.  This is usually done by column chromatography.

    A competent professional trained in organic synthetic techniques could probably do this with little difficulty.  A college chemistry student would probably have trouble.

  2. A competent chemist with appropriate equipment and such reagents as phosphoryl chloride as well as a supply of ergotamine could certainly produce LSD.

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