
Is it possible to...?

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is it possible to get a job in theropy without going to collage? theropy as in helping people and talking with them about their problems.




  1. If you want to be a clinical therapist you must go to college.

    Otherwise, you can apply for jobs being a residential counselor in group homes, residential facilities, or day programs.  Even then your job will not be "therapist," as you envision it.  You will not talk with others about their problems, but you could still be a great support.  

    T-h-e-r-a-p-y is the spelling.

  2. You can work as a drug or alcohol addiction councilor by taking some extension certificate classes--IF you are a recovered alcoholic or addict.  (A)

    Otherwise, you need six+ years of college and a clinical psychologist's license. (B)

    I know someone with the later qualifications (B), who was bumped out of a drug councilor's job at the Veteran's Administration by someone with the former (A) background.

  3. what does this have to do with Special Ed?

  4. I guess my worry would be more along the lines of your knowing therapeutic techniques. You can really mess people up by giving the wrong advice and you can be sued!

    I think you can get this done in five years, not six. Why don't you want to go to college? If it was grades in high school, you can get into community college with a high school diploma. If it is money, then go to the college's financial aid adviser. You should be eligible for some money.

    While I admire that you want to counsel other people, I think that this needs to be bolstered by learning what works with people. You want to give them your very best.
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