
Is it possible to........?

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I believe that my house has an unsettled spirit living within it. One of the previous owners committed suicide some time ago. I have had several super-natural encounters before. How can or is it possible to strengthen that side of me to try and get in contact and cal spirits. My room is the hottest in my whole house. My room is about seven or eight degrees warmer. Would that have any connection to the spirit?




  1. it could. that depends on what the spirit person felt at the moment of death. not like physically felt but what emotions they had at that time.meditation has helped me gain strength in that part of me. i'm not sure if would help you. give it a try.

  2. please didn't think at all,that is never be true  

  3. Just because there is a death on a property, does not mean it is haunted. The world is filled with billions of people. It is pretty much a sure bet that someone has died over every inch of land throughout history. However, paranormal events are very rare.

    Second, just because your room is several degrees warmer than the rest of the house, does not mean it is connected to a haunting. More likely, your room has an exterior wall (usually the east or southeast wall) and thus gets more external heating from the sun. It could also be due to your heating system or ventulation, amount of insulation in your walls, plumbing, or a dozen other factors.

    Trying to make a connection with a spirit is bad news. You have no knowledge of who or what the entity is. If the thing truly exists in your home, the last thing you want to do is open yourself up to it. 1) By encouraging interaction, you are encouraging it also to stay. 2) You are risking opening yourself to hostile forces. Why would you want to put yourself in harms way and risk things like possession?

    Stay safe. Stay smart. If there is something there, consult local paranormal organizations. Talk to three or four of them. Explain the events. Ask them what they do and how they can help you. Ask them about confidentiality. Find an organization that makes sense and is experienced. There are hundreds of groups out there and many of them are just as experienced about ghosts as you are. They watch a few TV programs, read a book, and buy a nifty gadget. Within the week, they throw up a web page and suddenly they are professional. Take time to learn who can help you and how.

  4. This happened to me once before, and we were able to "release" the spirit of the person who had commited suicide through united prayer for his spirit to be guided into heaven, or whatever you want to call the afterlife. After this prayer for the poor guy, we never experienced any apparitions or anything else, so it worked for sure. There were several of us together to pray, as they say there is more power that way, and "safety in numbers" so to speak. My mother told me about an experience she had as a child when the whole neighborhood got together and joined hands around an old house haunted by a poltegeist, and after that it was gone, so prayer works, in the name of Jesus that is.

  5. Talk to paranormal investigators about how to get the spirit out of there.

  6. Typically it would be cooler.

    Contact and expert paranormal investigator, don't try to do this on your own it would require too much study and effort on your part and you still would not have the benefit of experience.

  7. hotter is possible as well.  Have you had any mental connections with it before? Has there been any times you thought you heard something or thought you sensed something?  If there has try to think about those times and your state of mind to reconnect with the frequency of your thought then. Maybe if you can match it you can start practicing at getting more to come through.  If not then quiet yourself and just feel your senses.  Dont jump to conclusions.  Dont think your senses. Just feel.  It might be confusing and vague but thats part of it. Feel it and decipher after.  Im hoping practing this way gets it to come in clearer because at this point Im still working on getting it to be clear enough to understand and be reliable. Just ideas Im trying myself

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