
Is it possible to "change your reputation?"?

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in school, im known as the quiet girl who hangs out with nerds/losers/quiet people

im not theREALLY quiet girls who doesnt talk AT ALLL but im pretty quiet in class

like at dances, i will dance with my friends and ive had

i have SOME friends who are sort of popular

im going to highschool and i dont want to be known as the "girl whos a loser and who doesnt talk in class much

and i wantt to hang out with a different group of friends whoa are honest

because i just realized that my friends are alllll liers and i cannot forgive them anymore.....

ive been pretty depressed id say because i feel like i have no friends and im just not happy anymore.. its a long story

like my bestest friend ever left the group because she wanted to be popular and i feel like i have no one since my friends are backstabbers

i dont care about popularity though

... i just want to be a person who is happy with her friends and thats it and i dont want to be known as the girl whose quiet in class

im soooooooo scared i wont meet nice/honest people

please help?




  1. well im known as the weird girl who does bad stuff and i do i really hate labels and it isnt me tht does tht stuff it was the group of ppl who i hanged out with but i am better now my best friend is rlyy popular so i am to now and tht is grt b cuz me and her have been bfs since 1st garde and we r inseprapable  well anyway good luck!!!

  2. Don't worry, i'm scared 'bout high school too! I have a friend who is really... mean... a friend who is non-popular, a friend who is popular but is very clueless and a friend who only thinks about boys and leaves out her friends sometimes, and of course a girl like you, a little quiet.

    Myself, i am not the 'Popular girl' But im not the hated looser either. I think thats alright and i see thats what you are aiming for.

    Maybe try to speak up a little bit more, have some confidence. I used to be like you in year 4/5. What i have found is that going in to the next grade i have gotten a little bit more casual, trying to be as they all say 'normal' which is of course, where i am, Getting boyfriends and stuff..... Which i am not into, At this age anyway

    I think the best thing to do is find some new friends, but dont forget about your old ones. I mean, you can not hang out with Liars! Try to change your image a little bit (i got a new hairstyle) That really helped, all the popular girls were giving me compliments!

    But of course the worlds not perfect, so try your best! you might find that its easier to re-think once you are in Highschool, its like re-starting your life!  

  3. I thought that it would be cool to be popular, but I realized everyone talks about you behind your back and it isn't worth it.  Through middle school, I lost most of my friends to popularity.  I became, as my only friend nicknamed me, "the lonewolf".

    But I've been backstabbed and kicked down just like you.  My best friend lives in another town, and most of the people I hang out with at school are just so I don't look so stupid being alone.  But it's not like we're exchanging secrets.

    But I've watched how all the cliques work.  I know how people think and I  know how to avoid being the latest gossip.  I know how everyone operates, and I'm fine like that because I know how to beat the social status system.  Deceive people and make them think you belong.

    But don't worry.  High school will be a lot better.  You'll probably make new friends and it's much better than middle school.  Trust me.

  4. snort some aderol before class and then slam a moster or red bull so your hyper and you talk a lot..... thats what i do and it wors sweet for me. otherwise you might be a looser for the rest of your life. and that would effeminately suck

  5. If you really want to try changing your rep,

    then you should just start talking more I guess.

    But, your rep won't just change suddenly in

    one day, its a process haha.

  6. join a club this year to expand ur boundaries... do a musical if u have the talent lol so as u cant be shy as u will be on stage in front of everyone. try to get urself to talk to someone different everyday in one of ur classes and get to know ppl. i graduated in 07 and i look back on those days (im now a sophmore in college) and realize that they were truly amazing. u just have to get to know more ppl so join a club (mine was jrotc lol) and dont be shy girl. oh and as for ur friends, if they keep stabbing u in the back then dont hang out with them... they will continue to do it (prob cuz they are jealous of you and insecure of themselves) hope everything works out for you... and if you find it hard to open urself in high school... maybe college will come easier to you cuz they are so many diverse ppl that you will love to communicate with... hope it works out for you...  

  7. i think you should just try talking a bit more during ur classes in high school and u'd be able to meet some people that way. If you find out that they lie and stuff, then start talking to them less. I hope you find honest and nicer friends!!! [and i hope i will too cuz im going to hs too!! :D]

  8. express urself u dont want to be quiet?? than dont be! just be urself, dont act like other people want u to act!  just be cool bout everything! and talk to ppl, make new friends!  be a part of the kids that are nice to u and popular!

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