
Is it possible to "un-bleed" a CRT TV?

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I have a 5 year(?) old TV that I found on the street that someone was giving away. It's a nice TV, nice and big with nice sound, but the picture quality is awful. Is there any way that I can take it apart and re-calibrate the electron guns(I think that's what needs to be fixed) to make it so my picture is clearer and doesn't always bleed a reddish color to the right side? Any help would be appreciated!




  1. It would be nice to know the model of your tv, but if it tears to the right of the screen,already, I'm betting it's more than 5 years old.

    If you are handy around this stuff, you could try adjusting your  RED bias or RED drive controls. It's possible you may have to get into some "SERVICE" mode or menu to do that. You could also try measuring some voltages on each (R/G/B)screen. Most likely though it is your CRT giving the problem & if rejuvenating doesn't do anything for it, don't waste any money on it.

  2. Yes! There is a thing called a "degausser" that might fix the problem.  Older TV repair shops probably will have one.  It looks like a big ring with a plug on it.

  3. You are describing a low emission crt ( red gun ) . Would seem reasonable to assume that is why it was given away, A new CRT would fix the problem !. Any other remedy such as rejuvenating would only be temporary. Best advice is return it to the street !!!!!

    Cheers Pete

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