
Is it possible to recyle beer bottles and cans for money in florida?

by  |  earlier

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I've heard from friends is possible to turn in to recycling centers used glass bottles and cans and you can a small amount of money back (such as 5 cents a can). is this true in florida? i've tried looking it up but can seem to find a answer. thanks




  1. Are you in Florida?

    If you are, go to the store and buy a bottle of soda - if you're charged a deposit, then you return it for the deposit.

    Most can/bottles are marked if they require a deposit and have the state listed on it.

    Good luck.

  2. Florida doesn't have the 5 cent deposit.

    They tried it here years ago but it didn't work

    so all you can do is save the cans and recycle them at your local scrap yard

  3. There may not be state recycling centres, but there are bound to be places that purchase scrap metal and glass.  Look under recycling in the yellow pages.  You will need to crush the cans and separate the aluminum from the steel since they pay by metal type and weight.  If they accept glass, it will not have to broken but they may want it separated between clear and coloured.

  4. WOW i wish chicago would do something like that. we can only recycle cans but these centers charge by the pound like .32 cents it stinks if our city would give us .5 cents for every can and bottle there would be a lot more people recycling. you should check on the sides of the can and bottles if it says fl 5 cents then your state does recycle each bottle and can for that amount. if you don't see anything try calling one of those recycling centers and find out

  5. I dont know about the bottles but I know my grandma saves cans and takes them to be recycled.

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