
Is it possible to reduce the payment of child support because of a life-change?

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Details: Father files child support on himself. Father pays child support according to court order. Father then has another child in another marriage. Does father have the right to reduce child support because of a life changing situation?




  1. I believe the court will take this into consideration.

  2. Probably

  3. You can't fail to support one child because you decided to have another. That's irresponsible.

  4. yes, the court will take this into consideration

    what you need to do is file for an amendment of the current order

    and explain it in the papers and when you go to see the judge

  5. You choose to have that life changing situation and you will probably leave that kid too. Quit complaining and being a weasel. I bet you aren't around when your kid is throwing up all night are you? Here's a though if you can't or don't want to afford the child you have why are you making more. Use a condom or be a man and get snipped. We really don't need more kids without a responsible father.

  6. the courts do take that into consideration but it mostly depends on what you make and the percent you have to pay

  7. No. Nice try.

  8. Nope.  

    Father has now a choice in whether or not his sperm reaches a new ovum.  

    Since this  man has chosen to again think with his little head rather than his big one, father needs to understand that he now will spend $250,000 for each child to the age of 18, and that is with nothing extra. (Yahoo figure about 6 months ago)  

    If father does this too many more times, father will be joining the ranks of the Costco workers, and Walmart greeters, working to age 74 since father was unable to fund a retirement plan.  

    Father needs to ask some of those old gomers why they are still working... father needs to be enlightened as to real costs of raising children.... and hopefully father will now vote Democratic, since Republicans have about wiped out all the gains make by this country in county services for children.... and fathers.

  9. Nope the judge will tell you to get another job or stop having kids.

  10. You sound like a rabbit with no brain. Start using your head, the big head not the small one !  You are a s**t. And you have made your bed so pay up and shut up !

  11. I think the birth of another child would constitute an additional expense and would reduce your net income.  So you might be eligible for a reduction in child support payments, yes.

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