
Is it possible to score more than 147 in snooker, and has anyone ever done it?

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if i was to pot the white of the break and my opponent came back with a maximum, that would be 151 would it not?




  1. Nobody has ever scored higher than a 147 in one continuous break but technically you could make a continuous break of 155. If your opponent makes a foul and snookers you with the foul before any balls are potted then the referee would call a free ball. You could then pot a coloured ball and count it as a red, then go on to pot the black. That's the first eight points. If you then go on to clear all the balls in a 147 fashion you would make a break of 155.

  2. Not really, but theoretically  I supose it can be done with fouls and misshots, but I havn't heard of it.

  3. I suppose if you give a foul shot (missed the break) and the other did the max break it would be higher than 147

  4. If your opponent was to make a foul and you had a free ball before the first red was potted, You could pot the black twice, ( first black acts as a red ball) then start your huge break with 8 points before potting the red black red black.  This gives you a grand total off 155

    But this is like winning the lottery.


  6. No, 147 is the maximum, unless you have previously gained a foul from your opponent

  7. yes it is possible, but very unlikely, if on the first go Ur opponent pots the black, U get 7 points 4 that, or if they have a foul, U get 2 points for that, but its very unlikely for it to happen, so the max is really 154

  8. i did that

    i scored 210

  9. No it is not possible to score more then a 147Pts in Snooker and no one has ever scored more then 147Pts

  10. 147 is the maximum break you can get but if the other player fouls then you would get the points from that!!

  11. no its not possible soz

  12. in snooker it is possible to score 155, off a free ball, ie colour (one point), black, then maximum break of 147 - Steve Davis must have done it

  13. It IS possible, but only if the other person fouls at the start

  14. NO, unless you have points from a foul by the other player

  15. yes, but not on a break. if the other player fouled before you start your break then your score would be higher, but not your break

  16. S Lee is entirely correct - any answer involving counting in points for fouls is wrong - points for an opponents foul DO NOT count towards a 'break'.  The highest break possible would be with no balls being potted, you opponent concedes a foul and leaves you snookered on all reds.  You would then be awarded a free ball, you could pot a colour in lieu of a red, then the black, then 15 reds, 15 blacks and the colours. 155.

  17. my highest break is 11

  18. Theoretically you can score an infinite number of points if your opponent keeps fouling.

    If you are on about the maximum break, 155 is possible but highly unlikely.  Your opponent fouls and leaves you a free ball, so you pot any colour and that counts as a red, then you pot the black.  So you have a break of 8 and then you clear up taking blacks after each red.  So you have 8 + 147 = 155.

    I've never seen it done.  Professional snooker players may have done it in practice but I've never heard of it being done.  In practice Willie Thorne has made 147's for fun so if anybody has done it, my guess would be him.

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