
Is it possible to search the census information for 1971? If so how?

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I am trying to research my family tree. I think that I may have possibly located a family member and so have a name and an address from the electoral roll but would like to double check the date of birth. Does anyone know how I might find a person's date of birth (short of contacting the aforementioned person) armed with just their name and current address?




  1. If you are in the UK the 1971 census is not available for public viewing, and will not be until 2071, because of the privacy laws.

  2. no because the info is only released 100yrs after being collected.

  3. UK answer.

    Like everyone else has already said there is the 100 year privacy law. Has for the birth date of a person you can find the quarter and year of their birth but not the exact date, for that you will need to buy the birth certificate. The only time a birth date goes on line is when it is included in the death index. I would look on the BMD on  for the birth details.

  4. As others have stated, in the UK you have to wait 100 years.  In the US, the 1930 Census is available but I can't say for sure they'll release 1940 as quickly due to increasing concerns about privacy.

  5. You will need to contact the person direct, the 1971 census is sealed for 100 years and will not be opened until 1 Jan 2072,

    If you wish to make contact do so by letter to start with , and explain who you are and what you are doing, Include a stamped self addressed envelope for the reply,

    Good luck and good hunting

  6. That depends on what country your trying to access,I have gotten census less than 100 years on from ancestry .com.US federal census is recorded every 10 years ,but some states do there one census also.

  7. As stated on the BBC1 Television Programme 'Heir Hunters' the National Census Information is ONLY released 100 years after the year for which it was taken !

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