
Is it possible to see Chicago and lake Michigan from Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls?

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Looking westward, is it possible because my friend saws that you could?




  1. No it is not possible unfortunatly, but it is a great ride to the top the view from anywhere a top is great! But it is not possible nor will it ever be possible.

  2. No, a little too far

    The Skylon is not that tall anyway

  3. Your friend must be confused. Have you looked at the distance of Chicago  on a map? With the way the earth is shaped it's very very unlikely.

  4. LOL!  Have you *seen* the Skylon tower?  It really isn't that big, only 775 feet tall.  So the answer is no, your friend is a liar!

  5. No.  Chicago and Lake Michigan are beyond the field of sight.  Even at 10,000 feet you would not be able to see these two landmarks because of the smog in the Great Lakes Region.

  6. no way jose

  7. It might be.

  8. No, you have to go to the CN Tower in Tranna.

  9. no...even if it were possible, it's usually too foggy from the falls to see past Buffalo, NY

  10. the furthest you could see is across Lake Ontario, to Toronto if its a very clear day

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