
Is it possible to see your future though you dreams?

by Guest32111  |  earlier

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As strange and unbeliveble as this is going to sound... I belive I have experinced this. Sometime when I sleep I have multiple dreams, some in which I remeber when I wake up, but once I dream I was in my home sitting on the couch in the den and my dad told me my dog ran away.

A few days later it happened. Now considering I was only a child I was bewildered. Not because I was trying to figure out why my dog would run away but why I dreamt such a horrible thing. And now I think of what happened day in and day out,

"Is it possible that people can see a glimpse of their future through their dreams?"




  1. I had a similar freaky experince. I dreamed that on my way to college, a butterfly would land on our windshield and distract my fiancee (the driver) and we would crash into a truck that said "Murray's Moving". It would spin off into a gas truck, and cause an explosion. The next day, a butterfly landed on our car, but just as we were getting ready to go, someone cut us off, and crashed into that very same truck. But there was luckily no gas truck. Freaky, huh?

  2. The brain does mighty incredible things that no person on earth knows everything about.  

    I believe that it is quite possible to dream something that is about to happen, even if in a coincidence.  You may have heard that your dog might run away if you do not take care to lock him up or chain him up and your subconscious mind took this information and created the situation that actually then did occur.

    Then, however, maybe you did have a premonition of some sort.  It's been known to happen.  I thought that I should call my mother one Saturday , to find out on Monday that she had passed away the previous Saturday, the day I thought about calling her.  Everyone has these little spurts of "psychic" thoughts...

    Go with it... Maybe you're one of the special ones?

  3. yes I do think so, many yrs ago when my girls were babies i had a dream about a old farm house.  well i went to visit my aunt and uncle, and their house was the same big house i had had the dream about

  4. I think so . . . .

    The same thing happens to me, now this is gunna sound very "thats so raven-ish" btu one night i dream something. i remember it when i wake up. i write it down in my "dream journal", as i call it, then wiht in the next three days it happens.

    My mom even told em that a great great great great and a few more greats, grnadma was similar to a fortune teller. so i may have the genetics to se ethe future???? idk . . .. It all sounds so unlogicla, but in a way very very very real because of what happens to me inmy dreams.

  5. hi i think it is it comes to the point like u see youself somwhere else and somthing happens and then hte next dya or so it happens somwhre else again and then ur liek ok its juts me so then u here these words that were in ur dream that u usually dont hear everyday u kno

    its cool but if its bad u should try to prevent it anyway possible if u know wat im syaing


    hope it helps

  6. I believe that you can. June 6 2004 on a Sunday morning I dreamed a family member(a male figure)had come to me and told me that a loved one had passed away. In the dream the male figure was my Dad's brother and he was telling me that his son(my cousin passed away). I woke up sweating and breathing hard and crying my eyes out. I had a bad feeling and for some reason couldn't stop thinking about my mom. Eventually I fell back asleep. I don't know how long I had been asleep when I heard the phone rining in my sleep. The ringing of the phone finally waking me up I didn't run to answer it. My Mom's brother came over the answering machine wanting to talk to my Mom's sister(my aunt who I lived with at the time). He sounded distressed and I just knew something had happened to my Mom so I ran to the phone and answered it. He asked me where my aunt was and I let him know she, her husband, and their two kids had went to church that morning. He asked when they would be back and I let him know they should be back shortly but sometimes they go out for lunch afterwards. I asked where the church was and said he would just go meet her there. I got off the phone and ran and put my clothes on because I knew I would be leaving soon, I just knew whatever was going on was not good. My aunt came through the door as I was putting my shoes on and I let her know what was going on. Me and my aunt left everyone at home and headed back to the church to meet my uncle or get there before him. On the way there he had come up behind us flashing his lights. We pulled over at the church and he got out of his car. My aunt got out of the car while I sat there. My uncle told her the news and(my heart steadily pounding I knew what the news was though no one had told me yet, my heart had already told me). I heard my aunt say, "Brother no!" I got out of the car and they both came walking fast to me and my aunt put her arms around me and my uncle let me know that they just found my Mom dead. Finally what I knew all along came true. My legs turning to jelly I fell to my knees sobbing, my heart acheing. I know the dream that morning had something to do with my Mom passing. I don't know if I dreamed it before she passed, while she was passing, or after she passed. I believe though that our dreams show us things. I 've had other simular dreams where things have happened in someway along the lines of my dreams.

  7. I think that in most dreams you are processing what you're going through in life.  However, yes - sometimes I think you can have a dream that fortells the future.

  8. no

  9. No. You can't see your future through dreams, but dreams CAN be interpreted. Maybe at the time you were VERY attachted to your dog and you were afraid of ever losing your dog. Sadly your worst nightmare came true though. It doesn't mean you saw your future, it just means that you were afraid at the time that something like that was going to happen.

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