
Is it possible to sell a plane ticket?

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I have a plane ticket that I am pretty sure I won't be using. It's one way (seeing how I already used one of the ways).

Is it possible to sell a plane ticket like this (if so, where do I find a good place to sell it?) or is it illegal or something like that?




  1. You cannot sell an airline ticket because it is already in your name and the person whom you would sell it to would have to have their identification match up in order to even board the plane. You can call the airline and try to get them to give you a credit, if its not too late in order for you to buy another ticket at a later time possibly.

  2. it is impossible to do that since your name is there already and you have use the other way too

  3. Used to be able to but not any longer......the name on the ticket must match the photo ID at security..........

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