
Is it possible to sightsee Florence, Tuscany, and Pisa in one day?!?

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I dont think so, especially since we will be traveling through italy by train. But a fellow traveler insists this is possible. Is it? Please help!




  1. yes, because folrence to pisa to one hour to trip.

  2. I assume that physically, yes, you could...but why would you want to? Florence was my favorite town in Italy, along with the Tuscan countryside towns of Siena and San Gimignano...Rome was probably the biggest disappointment. After you saw the Coliseum (sp?) and the Forum and the's just another huge, traffic-driven city.

    Don't gloss over Tuscany....they have the best wine, anyway ;)

  3. you can definitely see pisa and florence in one day - it takes about an hour by train.  see the link below for more information about trains in italy.

    you'll want to plan to spend most of your day in florence.  the only thing to do in pisa is walk around the leaning tower, which you can do within an hour.  there are many more things in florence to do and see...

    you won't be able to see other cities in the tuscan region, but the train ride is beautiful.  have fun.  :)

  4. No way. It is a good walk to the leaning tower from the train station. Florence is a good days sight seeing and should not be rushed.

  5. I think is impossible

    but if you want only see the relatives train station you can do......

  6. By "see" do you mean to take a picture in front of something that says "Florence", "Pisa" and "Tuscany" and that's it?  Then yes, it's completely possible.

    Pisa is an easy city to "do".  The tower is about all you need to see.  However, realize that it's an hour from Florence.

    Tuscany is a whole region and yes, there are wineries as close as 30 minutes away from Florence.  However, most are not train accessible.

    I just spent 3 nights in Florence and it was just about the perfect amount of time.  The Uffizi takes at least 3 hours, with up to 6 hours in line if you don't have a reservation.  The accademia takes 30 minutes to an hour, with a several hour wait if you don't have a reservation.  A stroll along the Arno and across the Ponte Vecchio can take an hour or more.  

    So yes, it's possible to set foot in each of these cities or areas in a single day, but why would you want to?  Just to say you did?  If you want to actually enjoy it, I wouldn't spend less than 2 days in Florence (maybe with an early AM trip to Pisa) and at LEAST a full day in a Tuscan town (probably via tour group or car).  We spent 6 nights in Tuscany and it still wasn't enough.

    Have a great trip!

  7. You can see the train stations in the time you wait for the next train, but trust me , depending on what you're interested in florence is a city that you might walk trough in one day but if you'd like to go in museums you might need a month same goes for pisa

  8. you can see florence and pisa in one day but you cannot include tuscany. pisa is only one hour from florence by train and it's very small. Believe me, it's my city. there's nothing to see but the leaning tower so you could spend just a couple of hours here and then head to florence and spend more time there. florence is fantastic and if you like walking you can see a lot of it in almost one day. the main attractions are within walking distance from  the central station which is santa maria novella ( SMN station )

  9. In my opinion, no way.   It would take a vague definition of the word "see" to think "yes."  

    From Florence, I spent 1 day to go to Pisa and come back.   I didn't run to the church and run back though.   I ambled up one of the streets and looked at things and saw people and interacted with people.  I spent 40 minutes just sitting in the grass in the shade of the tower.  I didn't leave that general area for about 2 two hours.  It was beautiful.

    I spent 3 days in Florence, 1 day in Pisa, and 5 days in Rome.  

    I didn't see all of Tuscany by any means.   The region is huge and beautiful and you couldn't see that in 1 day any better than you see all of the Grand Canyon in a day.

  10. Physically impossible to visit Tuscany (the region), see Florence and Pisa in a day.

  11. only japanese  people could visit pisa and florence in the same day,but it's not enough at all

    have a nice trip

    ps : but if you really want you can visit pisa in the morning and then take a train to florence (about 1 hour)

  12. You will need one well prepared day to see Florence - and will still miss a lot.

    Make reservations for the museums so you don't wait in line.  Pick up a Rick Steve's book for the best advice.

    And skip Pisa, there's nothing there but the tower.

  13. hahahah...sure... you'll spend all the day just waiting to enter in some museum ...

  14. It is possible to spend some time in Florence and Pisa on the same day, but there is a lot to see in Florence and you'll miss much of it. You're better off focusing on Florence. Then you can spend a second day combining Pisa and Lucca or going to San Gemignano or Siena.

    Pisa is an hour away by train. It's a 20 minute walk to the tower or 10  minutes by bus from the station in Pisa. Basically, your sightseeing in the rest of Tuscany would consist of watching the scenery going by from the train.

  15. Its possible, but it wouldnt even be worth trying.

  16. Tuscany is a region in Italy.  Florence and Pisa are both located in Tuscany.  So no, it is not physically possible to visit all of Tuscany in one day.  It is physically possible to visit both Florence and Pisa in a day, but it is impossible to enjoy both Florence and Pisa in a day.

  17. Florence and Pisa are both in Tuscanyand it'll take one hour and some minutes from Pisa to Florence, so you can see both cities in one day, but just little of both.

    Wether you can enjoy the visit this way, is up to you!

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