
Is it possible to sign up for jobseekers allowance when youre a student?

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im a student looking for work over the summer. does anyone know if its possible for me to sign on to jobseekers allowance while im looking for work, seeing as im a student?





  1. Nope. You can't claim benefits whilst a student, irrespective of whether or not you're on holiday

  2. depends if your staying in education in september. if your not then no.

  3. I know someone who will know this, I will email him and ask him to answer

  4. Thanks Alan,

    Only in certain circumstances. student who have a disability or who are  a member of a couple, and both the customer and their partner are full-time students, they may be able to receive Jobseeker's Allowance during the summer vacation if they have responsibility for a child. They must meet the conditions, including being available for and actively seeking employment.

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