
Is it possible to stay in war and fix the economy?

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To me it seems impossible to have both economic prosperity and a war in Iraq.

While the war does create jobs such as weapons manufacturing and such, it does take money away from government programs that could help the lower class or that could be put into the education system and amongst other things.




  1. During WWI & II Americans kicked it up a notch by doing without  (ex. women sacrificed nylon stockings so the raw materials could be used) and contributed to the economy anyway they could.  African Americans and women joined the work force to fill voids.  People grew "victory gardens" to counter food shortages.  The bottom line is that there was a degree of patriotism and pride that simply doesn't exist today.  Sixty or so years ago nobody would dream of buying a foreign car during war, but now look whats driving down the streets!  If we want a booming economy the only answer is to buy American and regain our sense of pride -- two things I don't see happening.  It also doesn't help that all of our industrial jobs are going to immigrants.  People can mope about it all day, but the fact is that America needs to run on Americans labor, not Mexico or China.  Once we rediscover pride and independence we will see our economy improve.  Does that answer your question?

  2. Nobody wants to start a war for nothing!

    There must be a reason or reasons!

    Good luck!

  3. No, impossible . . .I recently read where Bush has just requested another 30 billion dollars for Iraq . . . our National debt is atrocious . . .we should be spending the money on alternate fuel sources . . .global warming . . .feeding our poor. . .etc.

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