
Is it possible to stay organized with an infant if so how do you do it?

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Hey everyone

I am a new mother to an almost 9 month year old and was wondering from other mothers how do you stay clean and organized ---- do you have a schedule on when to do things? I am an organized (not obsessed) person and was wondering if it is possible to stay way with an infant so far seems like I am always cleaning, and the house is chaotic as far as clothes here and there, things not put away, etc --- Anyway I am a little frustrated and everytime I look around its something to do (sigh)

FYI It's not that I didn't expect this with a baby but I was just wondering if others are able to have some schedule or organization to there life with a baby and if so could they share ideas so I can maybe get my own and feel less overwhelmed




  1. It really is all about routine.... You get your routine in order and even schedule the baby and housework into it and will eventually all start taking shape. I used to be like you but now with a 2yr old boy and 11 month girl I do tend to take a step back and give them their time with their toys and things before it's time to tidy up.

    I used to look around and it would be disasterous if they had more than one toy out at a time, it would be a mess! But now I really can't physically do it and have got my head around it that the house, the kids, my life even can't be perfect all the time.

    It will just take a bit of time to get used to it then you should start relaxing a little x*x

  2. yes of course you can but don't put too much pressure on yourself.

    Try putting the washing in first thing on a morning  after breakfast.Sit your baby in the pushchair and take them outside whilst you hang it out they love watching you do things.Try to do things as and when they need doing so they don't mount up just make sure baby is entertained with toys or asleep , even just watching you.Once your baby is asleep during the day or even at night do half an hour ironing,it all makes a difference.It is better once they get a bit older as you can get them to help or at least think they are.Try to do things at the same time or in the same order evey day that way it becomes second nature and less of a hassle.

  3. I was totally in your boat with my first and I couldn't seem to accomplish the little things, but basically I just stopped worrying about the neatness and focused on the well-being and happiness of baby. Later, I implimented a task schedule where I would do one or two major chores per day. Instead of trying to do everything everyday.

  4. At first I found it really hard to stay organized and on track with my lil buddy, but I slowly got the hang of it.  

    I've always been very anal-retentive about cleaning, order, etc., so it's natural for me to multi task with cleaning and child rearing.

    And no matter how tired I am, I dont go to bed with dishes in the sink, toys on the floor, clothes in the hamper (there is always laundry to do in this house).  I dont always clean my entire house prior to bed, but I always clean the kitchen and make sure the floors are clean throughout the house.  Then during the day I just play with my son and help him learn new things.  When he naps, I get household things done.  When dad gets home I run errands otherwise my son and I run them together.

    It's not hard for me, but then again I stay at home.  If I worked full time I dont know how I'd do it.

  5. I had the same problem. Now, I finally have my 6 month old daughter on a schedule. So I know when she is going to nap. She takes three 2-hour naps throughout the day. I'm able to get everything done I need to in that time. Sometimes I'll even get stuff down while she is playing in her bouncer on an the floor. Then when she's napping I am able to read or catch up on emails.

  6. i feel the same way, i cook, clean, put things away, but the house always looks messy! i have a 23 mo and a 2 month old. we usually put everything away before nap time. that way the house will stay clean for at least 2 hours until my older daughter wakes up and starts playing with her toys and putting them everywhere in the house. then we put things away again befoer she goes to bed at night. that's also when all the clothes here and there get put in the kids' bedroom.  

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