
Is it possible to still go into labor while taking procardia??

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I am 35 weeks pregnant with twins and my Dr put me on Procardia last week after going to labor with preterm labor. They stopped the labor with Mag Sulfate (which was a nightmare) and sent me home on 20 mg of procardia every 6 hours. Well I still have cramping and some contractions, but not as severe. Is it possible that I can go into labor despite the fact that I'm taking the medicine???




  1. yes but not right away  

  2. I can imagine it is possible I was placed on procardia at 26 weeks due to preterm labor and I had to take it every 4 hours!! About 2 and a half hours into it it was like it would start wearing off and I would start having hard contractions again!! I was placed back in the hospital and put on a new medication and didnt have my baby girl until 361/2 weeks!! So you are at least in the safe zone if you do go into labor!! Good luck!!

  3. Yes, I had my son at 24 weeks. But if you do your baby should be fine at 35 plus weeks. Take it easy. This is the time in your life to lay around and do nothing. lol Good Luck and Congratulations!

  4. Yes, your Dr. should have given you the exact % of women that still go into labor.  At 35 weeks, you are doing well.  There is a reason why your body is having contractions, ask the Dr. about your options.

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