
Is it possible to stop producing milk while nursing?

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I have been breastfeeding my 8 week old since she was born. I noticed that she was rejecting my breast but drinking pumped milk from a bottle with no problem. So I know it's not my milk. I have been trying to nurse her but she keeps refusing. I try to pump but barely anything is coming out.

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Can it be possible that I stopped producing milk?




  1. had the same issue w my second baby. my lactation consultant told me to eat oatmeal and it naturally increases milk supply. It worked soooo well! I had 2 bowls a day and was amazed with the change. good luck to you and your little girl.  

  2. Yes, this happened to me when my daughter was about 4 weeks.  We started bottle feeding her breast milk to my husband could experience feeding our daughter, and after that she loved the bottle and didn't like the breast so much.  A bottle has a faster flow that a breast and babies have to work less to get food.  Once I started pumping, I had to pump longer and longer to get the same amount of milk. Pumping stimulates the breast like a baby does, but not exactly the same.  This can sometimes affect production.  Also, if you are not eating enough of the right foods, this can affect production also.

    We just switched to formula after this happened.  

  3. yup, i dried up at about 4 weeks... :(

    you can take herbal suppliments or perscriptions to up your milk production and keep pumping as often as you can.

  4. Could be. One of my girlfriends switched to formula b/c she just couldn't keep up with her 6 weeks old's feedings with just breastmilk. You could try pumping more frequently, b/c the more you pump the more milk is produced.  

  5. I had the same problem 3 wks ago, for about 5 days i was getting more than enough milk while pumping but then all of a sudden it stopped, i was getting 1oz no more! (i had started exercising and dieting) so i spoke with my health visitor and explained everything and she said to get some rest as stress affects the milk supply and eat plenty of breads wholemeal foods pasta etc etc, not too many veggies as that is water based (which i was eating loads of) after i had a 2 hour nap my boob's were back to normal nice and full again

    3 wks on I'm pumping my milk and bottle feeding him he got very confused with the bottle and boob (unlike my first she would eat from anyone or anything I'm sure)

    However i do breast feed him in the middle of the night as he is still half asleep and dosent really know

    My advice get some sleep eat loads and try again dont pump too much maybe give it a little rest for a few hrs then try again every 3 hrs as regular as you can

    I hope it comes back i know how upsetting it can be

    Take care


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