
Is it possible to sue Best Buy over this?

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I need some legal advice. I purchased a laptop 2 1/2 years ago through Best Buy with a 3 year warranty. Within those 2 1/2 years I needed it sent out for repairs so many times that Best Buy did a 'No Lemon' and just gave me a free laptop. The laptop they gave me was obviously not as good as the original but it equaled out to the same price. I recieved my new laptop May 17, 2008. I did not purchase a 3 year warranty for the new one because the price they wanted for it was over 400 dollars. Since May 17,2008 I have had this new laptop in for repairs 3 times. Everytime I get it back, its not fixed properly, or there are more problems. It is a 30 mile drive to the store. This morning I called and they said it was ready to be picked up. I did the 30 mile drive there, and it wasnt ready, at all. I am fed up with this. I even talked to corporate and all they did was sent be a 50 dollar gift card for their store. That doesnt help me with the gas im using to get there and all of the agrivation! Is there anything at all I can do about this? They gave me a crappy laptop in exchange, and they dont even seem to care! Is there anywhere I can go for legal advice, or is this just a big waste of my time? Thank you for your help!




  1. Nope. Once you accepted a new laptop in exchange for the original one, you were done.

  2. Yes, contact your state's attorney generals office department of consumer affairs.  You place a complaint with them, they will investigate the complaint and rectify the situation and it is all free,

    Hope this information helps.

    Best wishes.

  3. yes you can!! go on and do it!!

  4. No you can't sue, but the people at Best buy aren't really that good at fixing computers. Find a local guy and ask them, or make friends with some IT people and get them to do it.

    What is going on with it? What kind is it?  

    Dell or Gateway will always have problems. I have had both and they all sucked. 6 computers in 5 years, the mother boards on gateways suck, so do the e-machines (which gateway owns now), and dells just downgrage themselves and you can't do a d**n thing about it.  

  5. You cannot sue best buy, because there was a property exchange between you the consumer and best buy the seller.  You agreed to take the second laptop to compensate you for the first one, so when you took the second laptop you basically agree that this was sufficient. On the other hand, you should have just gotten a refund and purchased a laptop from a different store.  

  6. You could file a small claims lawsuit against them for negligence of service.

    But it is a longshot because They have attempted to fix your laptop on several occasions.

  7. No.  

  8. legally you cannot sue them . You don't have a warrenty so that kinda screws you. My question is why you keep taking it back to best buy get fixed instead of a computer repair shop .  

  9. No, especially if the orginal three years has already passed.  

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