
Is it possible to sue Macy's? they caught me last week even though i didn't steal anything.?

by  |  earlier

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they humilated me in front of my kids, even though i had my receipt, and i am a Asian.




  1. If you didn't steal anything why do you say they caught you? you can't be caught doing something if you didn't do it? I agree with others that you were probably acting suspicious and were stopped. did you make the scene or did you calmly say I have my receipt right here? There is more to this story than your letting on. If all they did was stop you and ask, let it go. Otherwise they may have a case against you.

  2. Department store security people have guidelines that they must follow before investigating a possible shoplifting episode. They are not  allowed to randomly stop and search people - they need a cause. Now, you probably could sue; but if the store has you on tape, and you are doing anything remotely suspicious (even if you're innocent) they will claim it was justified, and they will probably win. Regardless, the court proceedings will cost a great deal of money. And even if you do win, the settlement will be small since the episode did not result in any permanent damage to your reputation. I suggest that you write a letter to the manager of Macy's and demand an apology. If you get a response, show the letter to your kids. Good luck, and I'm sorry for your bad experience.  

  3. oh good lord, get over it

  4. In order to sue you must prove that they crossed a line. Did they detain you multiple times? Did they use racial insults when they detained you? Were they unnecessarily rough? Did they touch you inappropriately when they searched you or make suggestive comments.

    If the answer is no to these then you can't sue them. They were just doing their jobs, and happened to be wrong on this occasion. Give them a break.

  5. You did not provide enough information.

    In order to sue, you need to prove negligence and damages. If there actions were reasonable, even though they were in error, you can not sue.

  6. They had probable cause ! You should be ashamed doing such a thing in front of your children !

  7. If all they did was stop and ask you for a receipt, you have no case. If you asked, why are you stopping me, they had to answer that they believed you shoplifted or might have shoplifted something. That's not humiliation. If they called you a f****** slan* or some similar racial putdown, that would be actionable.

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