
Is it possible to surf with a skimboard?

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I'm planning to get a Zap Wedge. Will it be possible to paddle into a wave and actually ride it?




  1. No.

    I ride a Zap Wedge and would difinitely recommend it. It's a great sand skimming board, thin and light weight. Skim boards are not bouyant enough to support you out on the water.

    Zap, as well as other companies, builds boards that are thicker and more bouyant designed for wave riding but will still not hold you up if you tried to use it as a surfboard. These boards are also much more expensive and are not intended for beginners.

    These boards are designed for skimming on the sand out to where the waves are breaking on the shore, and riding the wave back up onto the sand.

  2. Being a pro skimmer... no

    haha, i have tried many many times...

    gotten close to it, but the board will not physically allow you to stay on it.

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