
Is it possible to swear out loud a lot and NOT have Tourettes ?

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Is it possible to swear out loud a lot and NOT have Tourettes ?




  1. Yes if you're doing it deliberatly.

  2. If not the illness, Yes.

    It is lack of discipline, self respect and not giving a D-M what others think of you.

    Bad habits reinforced by others, if they are doing it so you continue it to fit in.

    It does not make you appear intelligent if you can not express yourself at any other level.

    Substitute "Camel Dung" as a intermediate word, then move from it to something milder until you have conquered the bad words.

    Also, start to lower the voice when you get the urge.

  3. Tourettes isn't just swearing out loud. In fact, it rarely is. Tourettes usually manifests itself in tick, whether facial or the rest of your body. It can also be a grunt or other sound you make.

    Tourettes is an involuntary action. For example, your arm flails at random, and frequently.

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