
Is it possible to take a preg test that came out positive but not be pregnant?

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what are my chances i am not if one came out negative




  1. u wrote negative and positive? but ok.. if its positive which ill assume thats ur question then ur pregnant .. because hcg is only present in the body during pregnancy  

  2. The chance are slim, and no matter what you need to see your OBGYN, whether or not your pregnant, it could be some thing bad.  

  3. If you had a positive test you are pregnant unless taking a medication containing HCG (the pregnancy hormone). The negative test was due to not enough HCG being detected. If you drank a lot prior to testing it could water down the urine which is why many say first morning urine is best (it is concentrated). Go to the doctor and ask for a blood test for confirmation. Congrats!

  4. If it came out positive, CONGRATS!

  5. Pregnancy test not 100% accurate, get a blood test from your doctor to be 100% sure. Good luck!!

  6.'s pretty unlikely but totally possible. you should check with a doctor to be 100% sure.

  7. It's usually pretty rare to get a false positive on a pregnancy test. This is because the test detects a hormone that is only present when you are pregnant; if you have none of that hormone in your system, the test will be negative. But if the test detects any, it's almost positive that you are pregnant, because there isn't really any other reason to have that hormone in your system. It is possible to get a false positive, but it is much more rare than getting a false negative.

  8. Very slim but it does happen.  My friend got a false positive last month on the Target brand.

  9. It is rare to get a false positive, however, what these girls do not know is that hCG is also produced by a tumor in amounts comparable to pregnancy. So, in that way you CAN get a positive on a pregnancy test due to the rise in hCG, and not be pregnant. Not saying you would have that tumor, just pointing out that hCG is present in other things as well.

  10. Its very rare to have a false positive. Congrats.

  11. false positives do happen get a blood test to be sure.

  12. Very unlikely.

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