
Is it possible to take online classes for college and still graduate with a high degree?

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I have a baby and I wanted to take online classes only, so I was just wondering..I wanted to just be home with my baby while I go to school.Does anybody kno? thanx in advance!




  1. I know a woman did this through Phoenix on line for nursing.  She already had a degree but was able to do more with it I think with some administration.

  2. I took online classes towards a degree.  They are offered by some four-year universities.  Most of what's offered online are the lower(100 and 200) level courses.  Once you start getting into the higher classes, less is offered online.  I still had to go to campus for major exams and such, but it was much easier to take the online classes with five kids rather than find a sitter.  Be forewarned, though... some of the courses I took were quite difficult to understand straight from the book.  No visual aids or lectures to help explain it.  Once a week night/evening classes are a better option for subjects you're unsure of.  So, choose wisely, and good luck!

  3. There are many Uni's that offer degrees that are either partially or fully online. If you are in the united states your best bet would be to call a local state university and ask them.  sometimes the state university will offer an online degree but you may have to take the classes from different state institutions.  Places like the university of pheonix also offer online degrees albeit at a fairly expensive price.  Your best bet is to contact a variety of institutions and see what is best for you in terms of what they offer.

  4. My daughter tried to take classes and they never were clear what they wanted and you couldn't get a hold of them before you turned in your papers.But they stilled charged her for classes. They bugged her til she signed up for classes and got approved and poof they disappeared. So be Leary and careful. I cant remember the school but email me and I will find out which school it was on my profile is my email. Good Luck

  5. I don't know exactly what you mean by a "high degree." Online classes are usually nowhere near as good as campus classes, and can cost much more. Another good alternative for you might be a community college for the first two years. It is affordable, nearby, has decent general classes and you can transfer into a higher quality institution later on, often with a scholarship if you get good grades. You can go part time, and most community colleges ofter childcare for while you are in class.

  6. I know how hard it is. I am 19 and going to college online as a stay at home mom, and i had my first child my senior year in High School. One good school is, I go their and  they are very good and its cheap. books for the first class are about $92 and each class is only 5 to 7 weeks long depending on what program you are in. Ashford offers Associates through Masters online and Continental Academy offers High Schoold Diplomas, not GEDS. You still finish in the same amount of time as any other school, but you only do one class at a time because they shorten them. You get online 2 days a week to submit assignments and normally only have 2 to 3 assignments a week. They also offer Financial Aid, VA/ military benefits, and student loans. In some instances they will give you a voucher so you don't have to pay for certain things, they work with the students well to try and accomadiate the studnets schedule as long as you put forth an effort.  I am a stay at home mom, I have two kids and one on the way. I am currently taken classes with ashford and I have had only good experiences with them. I have just finished my first class in a month and they helped me with anything I needed all the way through the class. They give you about 2 weeks between each class before you start your next one. They also have a bookstore online where you can get everything you need for school at a very cheap price. I highly advise this school to everyone. It is the third one that I have went to online and the onlyone that I have found to be decent, courteous, not just there for the money and it's not a scam. It is NCA and Higher Education accreddited. I have allready checked with the state and VA due to the fact that I have wasted hundreds of dollars on other schools which are scams. There is also an online high school which you can get a fully accreddited high school diploma in a week to 3 months, it is not a scam. I have also checked with this one as well as the college, due to the fact that many online schools are scam and take your money. There are also many high schools online that you can get your high school diploma with and you can not get into college wiht it because it is not the proper acreddiation. I would know this because my husband just had an experience with this. So the only schools that I would advise and are fully and properly acreddited are :


    high school-

    I will give you the links below where you can just click on them and go to the schools website.

    P.S. If you do not go with these schools and you choose a different one, I'd advise to do a lot of checking into it and not just by asking them. There have to be certain types of accrediation which if you ask if they are accreddited they will say yes, because they are. Just not the kind of accrediation that is required. They will do anyhting to get oyur money!

    The accredidations are SACS, NCA and HIgher Education of Learning Accrediation as well.

    I will give you some links to these as well.  Well good luck because I know how hard it can be, just be careful so you dont get scammed.  :)

  7. what does this have to do with home schooling. try the higher education section

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