
Is it possible to tame 2 budgies after almost 4 years?

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Is it possible to tame 2 budgies after almost 4 years?




  1. It is possible but it will take alot more time and it will be harder but yes it is possible

  2. It's a very, very hard thing to do but possible.  Mainly, it takes a lot of patience.  I recommend doing some reading up on taming them.  I'm in the process of trying to tame some older cockatiels and believe me, it is not easy!  Just keep gently  putting your finger by their legs and saying "Step up" until they are perching on your finger and you can remove them from their cage.  A lot of pet bird experts say not to let them on your shoulder but I think it's okay.  Treats play a major role in taming pet birds.  I recommend Cheerios and millet sprays.  Try also different budgie treats from your local pet store.  Just keep trying to get them to take food from your hand.  One major key to taming any bird is to NEVER EVER lose patience and yell even if they bite you (which is very hard since it hurts like h**l!). Talk softly to your birds and saying their names a lot and whistling little tunes.  Did you know budgies can talk?  I believe that the bird with the largest recorderd vocabulary was a parakeet and not a cocakatoo or large parrot like you'd expect!  Keep their wings clipped.  It'll be impossible to tame them if they aren't since they will keep flying away.  It doesn't hurt them.  Just make sure that they are out of harm's way from pet dogs and cats 'cause they won't be able to fly away.  Once they are used to perching on your shoulder, keep them there while you are doing household chores and using your computer or watching television.  GOOD LUCK!

  3. You could try, but it most likely not going to happen...sorry. It is WAYYYY easier to tame them when they are young. Good Luck! :)

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