
Is it possible to tell whether or not someone on the internet has down's syndrome?

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Is there a way to tell if the person you are communicating with either through e-mail or online chat has down syndrome or not? Are there any archives on the internet of such conversations that I can look at?




  1. This is totally impossible. Down Syndrome varies widely between different people, so there's no possible way to identify it based on something as simple as the way someone writes.

  2. There really isn't a way to tell.  You'd have to see his/her face to know for sure something is wrong.  You might be able to distinct a form of physical problem with how they type, the sentences they make, etc.  As far as archives, you can try googling your question.  Hope I was able to answer your question to the best of my knowledge.

  3. By just communicating with them by email or over the internet it is impossible to tell whether someone has downs syndrome. Would it make a difference if they did have downs syndrome?

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