
Is it possible to test out of AIT after BCT?

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Meps told my husband that since he had career expierience, he would not have to attend AIT afer BCT. He would just take a test. I heard that everyone has to go to AIT even if it is a shorter time. Anyone know which is true? He is already at BCT but has no orders on any if his paperwork for AIT.




  1. nope nope nope nope. AIT is required. Period. Regardless of civilan NEED AIT to develope more skills as a solider in the real army. You don't just learn your MOS there....You learn how to apply your MOS, you learn how to manage your time, you learn how to use a chain of command better, you learn how to do pt on your own, and more so, you refine your basic solider skills. if he tested out, he would SERIOUSLY lose out on some good lessons and deep friendships....

  2. Test out of AIT??  HAHA!!! That's funny.

    He has to go through AIT just like everyone else in the Army. Career experience or not, the Army still trains you to do a job to their standard. After he graduates BCT, he will go to AIT.

  3. I've never heard of this, but I suppose its possible. He wouldn't have any orders for it yet anyways, usually that comes a day or two before graduation from basic.  The best way to see if he has to go to AIT is to look at the enlistment contract in section 1.  If it says he "will receive training" for his MOS, then he probably will. If there is a special note on there about civilian training or certifications or something, then he probably won't.  But I would still guess he has to prove his proficiency to the army somehow, probably testing out of AIT.

  4. To my knowledge the is no way you can completely test out of AIT.  Everyone is required to go, and honestly I doubt he has enough experience to even get a shorter class (unless he's like 40 or 45).  He'll have to go through just like everyone else.  The military doesn't place you based on your civilian resume.

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