
Is it possible to thoroughly enjoy one's meal if their tongue is burning from extremely hot spices?

by  |  earlier

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and why does my entire face turn red from attempting to eat spicy foods? (this is why I only prefer mild spices)




  1. DUH YEA

  2. Well , I know not extremely .

    Otherwise , I`ll have to keep on drinkin water !

    Chilli is no good for us , isn`t it ?

    Sometimes a little spicy is good ....

  3. maybe because you cant handle it

  4. Only if said one enjoys eating with their tongue on fire.

    As to you turning red, some people handle spice better than others.  You may have a mild allergy as well.  If you're not meant to eat spicy foods, the simple answer is to avoid them.

  5. My mother enjoys eating food when her tongue is burning.

    You're face turns red as a reaction to the spices. Try eating more mild things, and ask if you're not sure how spicy something is.

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