
Is it possible to toilet train you pet mouse not rat!?

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Is it possible to toilet train you pet mouse not rat!?




  1. No. Mice don't really notice when they urinate or defecate. Neither do rats or most other rodents.

    Rabbits, on the other hand (are not rodents and) can easily be litter-box trained when they are young.

  2. no.

  3. well, to train a rat u get a little litter box for them just fill it with their cage stuffing and then put it where they are pooping the most (a lot of rodents only p**p in one spot). now with a spoon or something take the p**p and put it in the litter box. they should learn to p**p in the litter box now instead of the rest of the cage.

    hope i helped :)

  4. yes it is but it might take time since mice r kinda stupid.

    u just need to put there p**p and some peed on bedding inside the potty

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