
Is it possible to trace those people that create porno sites ? is there a way to catch them and be punished?

by Guest58745  |  earlier

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I caught my son browsing a porno sites, I didn't realize at first that it was like that because it was just a game character to me, ( i can't say the name here) but when i click on it.. I found out that it was a porno site..which made me so mad and can't believe that my son has been exposed to those tihngs! I asked him where he got it, he said that one of his classmate gave it to him! this is so scary for our kids....I can't believe that alot of people are trying to destroy my childs future! Please help how to catch these people I want them to be punish!




  1. What is the age of your son? If he is 13 around, it is quite natural becoming tempted to know about these things (this u know, i know, everybody knows). Please handle this issue calmly and advice your son. Tell him there is still years left to do this kind of stuff. When I was a teen, in our school, we had s*x education class where they nicely eloborated what is good and what is not.

    Please be patient and think a second.

    You cannot curse the world for your son's doing and neihther it is going to stop.

    ps: These are all my personal views

  2. i think this is another one of those things that you just can't do much about unless they have something illegal like child p**n on there.  you can change the settings on your computer so it won't allow your child, (or you) to see that stuff though. it's not that tough to do, it should be in your manual.

  3. Pornography is not illegal.  It is YOUR job to monitor your kid and talk to him about what stuff he can find on the internet.

  4. Tbh, I'd be more interested in finding a way to trace (and prosecute of course) the people who make the child-pornography sites).

    I don't like the idea of children being exposed to adult p**n sites but it upsets me far more to think of children being used for child p**n sites. Even typing the words right now is upsetting me... That to me, would be a priority.

    But have you considered using some of the software that prohibits your pc from opening up the over 18 sites? Or setting the search engine to a 'safe search' option?

    I'm sure it's just normal curiosity with your son but I can understand you feeling uncomfortable with it. I don't think it's something to worry too much about though. All children are curious about thing that they 'aren't supposed to look at' but I'm sure you're son will be fine. At least you're taking an interest in his internet activities and that makes a big difference :)

  5. p**n isn't illegal... so no.

  6. I dont think its illegal to create porno wether you can track them or not...I think the only thing you can do is monitor your sons use of the computer.

    Put it in a public room (not his bedroom).

    And get firewalls set up....

    And monitor the time he spends on line

  7. The issue is not punishing p**n sites, but rather making them inaccesible to children under 18 years old.  It would be impossible (and unnecessary) to obliterate them completely.  There are, after all, plenty of adults who like to visit these sites.  I don't claim to have any answers on how to keep kids out of them however.

  8. no

  9. it's not about punishing the people who create the p**n sites, it's about making sure that your son cannot access it. Put a parenting filter on his computer, so that he cannot access p**n. Have the computer in a family space, not in his bedroom.

    Remember, other people do not make your son's choices for him. You can't really blame other people for trying to destroy your son's future. He makes his own choices, and it's up to us as parents to teach our children to take responsibility for their own choices.

  10. p**n sites are legal and there are many free sites....most usenet sites have multitudes of p**n as well as legitimate pics and movies that are not p**n...the problem is not the sites...the problem is monitoring.

    You will either have to regulate by using filters or sitting with him while he's online.

    As for the other kid...maybe the parents should know what he is doing.

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