
Is it possible to train a 6 month old budgie?

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i have chosen a 6 month old budgie i havnt bought it yet and was wondering if 6 months is to old to train. will i still be able to train this budgie? (hes a boy!)





  1. It will be very easy to do so.

    I can talk of Tinkerbell, my Congo African Grey Parrot who came out regularly with me to fly in the forests and mountains and parks in Taiwan.

    I can also talk of my white rumped shama YingShiong , which was thought to be an 'aviary song bird'. YS was a wild caught bird at 3 years old and came to me at 5 years old. YS is smaller than a budgie, and much much more shy of a type of bird said 'impossible' to train.

    Perhaps the following videos will give you a better idea

    Yingshiong flying to me on recall.

    Yingshiong flying back into cage at cue

    The webpage below shows even more photos and videos, and explained in detail the training and the mindset that made that possible.

    You will have your answers there, including answers to questions that you might not even have thought of asking as yet.

    Warmest regards


  2. absolutely!!

    you will need alot of paitence though!

    A visit to the groomer or vet is in order for a wing clip. IF he cant fly away then the training will go smoother and hes less likely to get hurt.

    You will want to hang out near him and talk to him til he doesnt panic around you. You want to start tempting him with treats thru the bars when your talking to him. Most small birds love millet, could be a good training treat.

    Open the door and let him start to come out and be near you ... ect

    Also check out its a great resourse for just about everything bird!

  3. yes you can actually.It will just take a little longer for the budgie to get used to you,that's all:)I bought a 3 year old cocktail(spelling?) and it took me 5 months to have it stop biting me!


  4. I'm pretty sure you can train any budgie, no matter what age it is, you just need lots of perservernace! My budgies were around 8 weeks when we got them, and 6-8 weeks is the best time for them to be trained, but im sure you can still do it. Getting a boy is a good idea because they are mush more likely to talk!

  5. i dont no stickley. mayb if u work wid it long enough

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