
Is it possible to train yourself how to defend yourself and fight??

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Is that possible?? Can you read books that will show you and train you how fight??Compared to a Sensai or a trainer, would you get the same training??Oh and when I mean books I mean ebooks online.....




  1. Try DVD's dude they worked for Evan Tanner of the UFC that's how he learned his jujitsu.  There are a ton of good videos out there take your time when picking one though.  Schools are way too expensive $1,200 per year or higher depending on where you live.  Besides who needs a pureist art these days? ( pureist c**p is way over rated )  Mixed Martial Arts is where it's at man both in the cage where there's rules and on the streets where it's for keeps.  Palm strikes to the nose, attacking the adams apple, striking the collar bone area, slapping both ears til they bleed is all covered in most Street defense DVD's and the true Mixed Martial Arts in its truest form out side of the cage also teaches these simple street defense techniques.  DVD's are way cheaper and you can review them when ever you need to.

  2. you can read all the books you want, but you really won't know what to do until to take a self defense class, tae kown do, or something like that. it just isn't the same.

  3. It is difficult to get the same practical experience in martial arts from reading a book than it is to actually practice in a studio or with a teacher.  When you practice with a teacher, he or she is able to correct any punches, kicks, stances, forms, etc. while you are performing your techniques.  Practical experience will also help you know how hitting a target feels.  It is a lot different when sparring with a partner than it is when you are just reading about it.  Even when sparring with an actual person compared to just training with a punching bag is a lot different.  You need strength as well as stamina.  This is taken from a Tae Kwon Do point of view since I practice Tae Kwon Do as a 2nd degree black belt.

    I would read about Tae Kwon Do forms over and over, but when I get to class, it feels a lot different.  Plus, learning from an instructor makes more sense than just reading from a book.  I wouldn't have the courage to teach a class just by getting my knowledge through a book.  The experience is different, like day and night.  Remember, martial arts is both mental and physical.

  4. hands on instruction beats trying to read it on line or paper any day of the week. These forms of media are for reference only.

    Good luck.

  5. some people can learn basic self defence from books but for the most part there is nothing comparable to having someone to train with and a sensei to tell you that you are making a complete balls of it sometimes. some techniques and principals rely on being accurate to within a few millimeters and a book just cant give that type of accuracy. moves vary from person to person and it generally takes a qualified instructor to help tailor a martial art to an individual.. so short answer is... yes you can learn to defend yourself from a book in theory but you are probably gonna get a good few a$s kickings before you get the feel for things. thats what a dojo is for.

  6. The best way to learn to fight is to fight and learn from your mistakes.

    If your mature, disciplined and have a regard for safety while training both for you and and your training partners than i say yes go for it.

    You need a good book for the basics, it will show how to hold your fist when punching, what part of the foot when kicking and important things like that.

    There is a master in every one of us all we need to do is practice and he will arise, the ancient warriors were masters of themselves and were able to develop there own styles: that are available to us today.

    Many martial artist go from one style to another and are never satisfied or  feel complete until they develop their own fighting style.

    Many will say woe, but i say Yea, go a head and teach your self, save money and really learn to fight your own way. You will have more injuries because you lack experience, but it'll be worth it in the end.

    A successful endeavor has cooperative devotees. you will need friends who share your vision  and who will be your sparring partners to help you meet this end.

  7. It is, but then that's the whole point of a trainer.

    The trainer has the book...whether its on paper or in his/her head....they know how to translate it into action.

    I used to tell myself I can learn online, and I tried (with high school wrestling)...but executing the moves are much more difficult than I realized.

    Although, going over it in my head day after day DID make those techniques easier for me to focus on....after months of practice, they have become a part of my basic repitoire (sp?).

    And, it all started with studying it online.

    Find someone who can help you train.  Doing something is more important than just knowing it (you already know that, but it fits perfectly in this subject).

  8. Bri..., roundhouse kick to the head?  It's possible, but experience is the best trainer---hiiiiiiiii---yaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!...

  9. Most book are full of c**p I know I'm a Master shouldnt be saying stuff on line but there all c**p but yes you can learn from a book Martial arts very hard to get hold of most are destoryed or lost from humans reach, but there are still some hidden in temples or homes.

  10. As long as you do exactly what the books tell you, yes it's the same as a sensei. The whole point is to practice daily on your own and perfect that technique. Of course, all of that practice does not necessarily translate into a fight. Maye find a friend or relative to practice with.

  11. Just remember defending yourself is alot different from MMA or the UFC. Unlike the UFC, if you sweep someone to the ground in self defense, feel free to drop the knee on them as you roll away (never grapple unless you're trained in it, easiest way to die). Then if they get up quickly, reset and do it again. If they get up slowly, go kick them in the head until they stop attacking.

    And bro, for all the people telling you to learn online and train 'styles'... have you ever been in a situation where you had to defend yourself? After like 20 seconds, if your stamina ain't right, you'll lose. Cardio isn't just for cage fighters. Every human being should train their cardio.

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