
Is it possible to transfer between colleges like you can between schools?

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In the UK - 6th form college for A Levels




  1. Yes

  2. i havent done it myself, but judging by the range of subjects available and all the different exam boards in sixth form, so it could be quite difficult. if you are doing a BTEC there shouldn't be too much problem because its just one subject and i think only one exam board does them. basically you would need to check that if the exam board(s) of the college you are going to will accept the work you've already done, otherwise you will need to start again. if the subject and exam board is the same you shouldn't have a problem, but the chances of all your subjects having the same exam board is fairly small. when i left my sixth form i went to a college to do a degree, as i didnt do as well as was hoped on physics i was told i could retake the exam and coursework, but would have to go back to my old sixth form to do it, as, altho my new college did the subject, it wasnt the same exam board so i couldnt do it there. hope this helps, what you really need to do is talk to your tutor, or head of sixth form, and someone at the place you want to go and they should be able to look into it.

    if, however you just started this week, then you havent actually done any work and there shouldnt be any of these problems as long as the other college is willing to have you

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