
Is it possible to upload pictures onto the computer from a Verizon Juke?

by  |  earlier

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if so, how? I have plenty of pictures on my Juke that I want to upload onto the computer but I have no idea how. If anyone does know can they post it here?




  1. I should think you can. I have a Verizon Chocolate, and there is an SD card in the side of my phone, I pull it out and stick it into my computer, then pull the pictures off of it.

    If you don't have this SD card you can buy it from Verizon.

    But, there may be a different way to do this, seeing as you have a Juke, so if I were you I'd wait until someone with a Juke answers this question. Good luck!

    [edit] you can also always email pictures to yourself from your phone, but frankly that gets too costly.

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