
Is it possible to use Panasonic KX-TG6021M 5.8 GHz Cordless Phone in India, please reply urgently.?

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I bought a Panasonic KX-TG6021M 5.8 GHz Cordless Phone for India. I read on some websites like world-import that it is a dual voltage phone. I also called Panasonic Support and someone said that it is a dual voltage phone. Now when I bought the phone, it says 110 v. I called Panasonic Support again and they told me that it won't work in India as it is specifically meant for US except you get a voltage converter. They also told me that if 5.8 GHz phones are not used in India and if they are still using 2.4 GHz only then it may or may not work. Can anyone give some input in this case so if it can't be used in India, at least I can return it back before I go out of country as I am going very soon to India. These are my 2 questions. First one about the voltage 110 in US and 220-240 in India and second about the frequency 5.8 GHz. I would appreciate any input as soon as possible as it is little bit urgent. Thanks.




  1. You may have an additional problem, and that is the actual plug may not fit an Indian socket, ALSO  the capacitance of the phone may not work in India.

    Manufacturers make phones specifically for each country, as an example I live in Northern Ireland, and we have a common border with the Republic of Ireland, My friend lives 100 yards from the border, and his phone will not work 100 yards on the other side as not only is the plug different, but even fitting an adaptor to it it will receive and send but will NOT ring

  2. Any cordless phone intended for USA will basically work in India. Just change the adaptor to 220~240Vac as you mentioned. Frequency is not an issue as it is just used to link the handset to the base. There are two issues however that you may experience;

    1. AC power line in India varies significantly, so your phone may not work properly if use use normal adaptor. Buy an adaptor intended for India.

    2. If you will subscribe to Caller ID service, India caller ID standard is not the same as USA so you may not receive the the caller number correctly.

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