
Is it possible to use Styrofoams in making paint?

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we will be trying to liquefy styrofoams and then use it in making paint




  1. Since crumbled styrofoam in paint is essentially what stippled ceilings are made of I don't think the two materials would mix well.

  2. The styrofoam would have to be micron (<2um) in size to give the correct opacity for paint. I cannot comment on the cohesiveness of Styrofoam whilst in the paint itself. It may not wont to stick to the walls or want to take on tints. Besides paint is not a liquid as such but more of a colloid. If you found a way to liquefy styrofome it would most probably just be a gooey mess

  3. I have a hard time imagining that.

  4. I would be very careful how you are liquifying styrofoam...

    there are many very dangerous gasses that could be released

  5. no styrofoams can't be used to make paints but can only be used in the manufacture of Coffee cups, cooler or packaging material which are typically white in color and are made of expanded polystyrene beads.

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