
Is it possible to use marshal arts to make people's heads explode like in Fist Of The North Star?

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In Fist of the north star, Ken can hit poeple in certain points of the body, using marshal arts. He then says "your already dead", and a few seconds later, the victim's head explodes. is it really possible to do that kind of thing?




  1. No heads can explode from hitting people, LOL.

  2. Well, good for Ken. Turn the t.v. off and take a martial art.

  3. IDK but if you figure out how to do it, let me know...I have a few people i would like to try it on!!!!

  4. Now marshal arts.... now um... those come from the movie "U.S. Marshals" right? I never seen the one you're talking about man, but it sounds pretty "gross".  You can make a dude's head explode with military weapons though huh?

  5. if u master certain styles dealing with fa jing and kenetic energy i suppose it would take a lot for u to.....nvm just ima say yeah and since no one else said it the balance is presevved even if not true there has to be an idiot but it is true

    if u master certain styles dealing with fa jing and kenetic energy i suppose it would take a lot for u to.....nvm just ima say yeah and since no one else said it the balance is presevved even if not true there has to be an idiot but it is true

    look mup dim mak or hising yi or chi gong but if u arent a master of martial arts u have no chance till a master finds a shortcut which isnt happeneng anytime soon

  6. firstly is spelt martial arts.

    then go learn ninjitsu for about 50 years that way you might find your answer.

    if you do you might realise its not tru never trust movies.

  7. No.  Otherwise with all the fights that occur this would have been documented other than in a movie.  Same with levitation due to well developed ki or chi energy.  If these things were true, they would occur in the UFC!

  8. is this a serious question?

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