
Is it possible to use the word "taint" in a meeting speech without making someone spit their drink out ?

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Is it possible to use the word "taint" in a meeting speech without making someone spit their drink out ?




  1. Yes...

    But when you say the word...makes sure you press "play" on the tunebox, and have the song "Tainted Love" ready to go...

    "Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa!"

  2. ha.

    Well folks I am here to tell you that it just taint possible.

    if said quickly, I think that would work.

    kind of like the "meow" game on super troopers.

  3. Short answer: No

    Same for "t**t"

  4. I'd like to give you a serious answer, but I feel my reply might be tainted with the smell of whogivesaflyingfuc*kishness. Otherwise known as WGFFS. It's a new syndrome. The psychoanalysts should be all over that, with dollar signs in their guileless eyes.

  5. I would be fired.  My gramma called me one morning to report there were "tainted hotdogs" being recalled.  She was like "what's so funny?  this is serious!  The meat is tainted!!"

  6. Not while I'm around.

  7. Depends on how you're using it.  Do you mean "taint" as in something is tainted? or do you mean "no, it taint"?  

      Okay, now try to use the phrase "all  het up".  They'll fall all over themselves laughing.

  8. We had a training session when I first started where both "taint" and "shrinkage" were used repeatedly.  I think I was the only one that found it funny.  

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